Author Archives: Michelle Greenwell

Sitting tall

Do you have trouble with restless legs that keep you up at night? Sore knees that challenge your balance when you bend to sit or rise to stand? Feeling a little overwhelmed with the holidays?

Seated Tai Chi – a true gift for learning about the signals you receive from your body about the stress it is experiencing and the joy it has found.

These are some of the ideas we explored with our Seated Tai Chi workshop on December 6th.  Our guest instructor, Michelle Greenwell, from Tai Chi Cape Breton, holds a Ph.D. (final) in Complementary and Integrative Health.  Her 30 years of study in Tai Chi and her passion for the benefits of the Seated Form were evident as she shared what our bodies are telling us through our physical signals.

The Seated to Standing Don Yu begins with the movement of the arms in a figure 8 pattern, that massages all the organs, engages the fascia, and expands the body for deeper breathing without any effort.  The second part of the movement engages the feet and legs into a harmony of movement that provides stability, centering, and grounding for ease of rising from a chair.  Lastly, the full rise provides the strength and flexibility of whole-body movement to create a power source for building energy and vitality for the body.  As we explored this unique movement set, exclusive to the seated form repertoire, we were able to identify where we had challenges in movement and how to correct it.

Many people rely on momentum to get up, turning and creating off balance to push with arms on an arm rest, or collapsing the knees together to use the inner thigh muscles to lift the body while the outer leg muscles soften with the angle of the legs.  We realized that our feet, positioned correctly, can guide full power through our knees and hips without pain or strain by our joints. Ease of movement was a quick result.  This set of actions can be helpful for releasing the energy overload that results in restless legs at night. 

Everyone in the group was delighted with the spiral action in the movement, White Stork Spreads Wings, and as we explored the expansion of our arms, we felt the lightness of movement and the ease of breathing that resulted.  In just a few short minutes we had calmed the mind and body, and we were able to re-assess stress in the body to notice more ease of movement, relaxation in the joints, and a calmness that brought us all together. 

It was a remarkable two hours that passed quickly as we played with primary reflexes in the feet.  We discovered that our massaging of the feet during the tai chi movements influences our hips, spine, shoulders, neck, back of skull, eyes, ears, tastebuds, and smell.  Who would have believed feet were so powerful?  We even talked about how emotions were calmed by the feet and their movement patterns.  This awareness through sitting brought a new dynamic to how we sit during the day, with other people, and sitting to energize, rather than sitting to rest.

For those in the group who study the standing form of Tai Chi, this was a realization that time spent sitting and exploring the movement patterns created a completely different learning opportunity, as well as a deeper awareness of the challenges and imbalances in the body.  At the end of the session, we were all empowered and aware of how much we had transformed our bodies in just a short period of time.  We all walked a little lighter, and calmer, out the door, ready for the rest of our day.

Looking for similar results for yourself?  WCTCS is always open to welcoming new students to Tai Chi.  Consider the seated form class on Friday mornings as your best first step into the program.  Your awareness and development of strength and flexibility will be simple, and profound, and begin right from the first class. Email for more information or call Yvonne at 778-755-0987 to talk to an instructor.  Start 2023 with your well-being in mind, Tai Chi harnesses your healing potential in minutes. 

Tai Chi for Mental Health and Chronic Stress

Just this week I heard several people refer to the anxiety and stress they were feeling about daily things, and that this was a result of Covid, getting older, or they had always had the challenges. They accepted their fate and were prepared to carry on.

What if you didn’t have to accept anxiety and stress as a paralyzer in your daily activities? What if you could change your body, mind and emotions to release stressful thoughts or behavior patterns, or even body postures related to the expression of stress or anxiety?

Check out this latest blog written by our Board member, Michelle Greenwell, about the science of Tai Chi to support and change the body, mind and emotional reactions to stress and anxiety. The science and thousands of years support the idea that we can change our daily opportunities and we can change how we feel, act and support our posture daily.

If you haven’t joined us for a FREE Tai Chi class yet, now is the time. Take a look at our schedule. We would love to show you how simple and easy Tai Chi can be to completely change your day and the way you feel.

Creating Self-Care options through weekly gatherings

Self-Care is our Responsibility

Today is our day to choose ourselves!

From the moment we wake up in the morning we have the choice to be our best selves, providing the best opportunities and engaging with the love and compassion we deserve and crave. 

When you look into the mirror, what is the loving thought that you share with yourself? 

What gifts of life do you notice in your face, posture, and expression?

What is the first act of love that you provide?

These can be loaded questions for a person that may not resonate as a ‘morning person.’  Perhaps you were woken up or had set the alarm and wanted more sleep. Perhaps your day is full of big responsibilities, and you are dreading the start.

Or perhaps you see the sunshine through the window.  Hear the birds in the trees.  See the trees and leaves blowing in the wind.  Feel the movement of your feet.  Hear your heartbeat.  Sense the joy of the day.

I have painted my room yellow so that when I open my eyes the sun is always shining, even on the dreary days of rain or storms.  My bed and window provide me with a treetop view of the yard, so I feel like I have a secret view from my ‘treehouse.’  My room is filled with pictures I love, memories I cherish, and which bring me joy.  My scarves and jewelry are on special display cases so that I can see them easily and remember to wear them.

Each day I start with two glasses of water as a thank you to my body for the detoxifying it has done in the night and the opportunity for me to help release these toxins through my kidneys and bladder.  It is one more sign of gratitude I am deliberate about.

As I descend the stairs, I am reminded that I am human and that my joints may not be as freely moving yet as I would like, some days I am pleasantly surprised at how spry I can move.  With this movement, I am reminded that how I move for the remainder of the day will be up to me. 

Now I have a choice that is a little tougher for me.  Do I go to my computer and start in on the ideas in my head?  Do I check my emails? Do I make a cup of tea? Do I engage in Tai Chi?  This is where my deliberate setup of the bedroom and drinking water has begun my self-care.  However, my love of writing always draws me to my computer to get started while it is quiet, and the world is still asleep.  I know that if I do a little Tai Chi before I start, the whole body is opened, and the thoughts will flow easier.  So simple, no, not when the head does not always do what the body and spirit need.

My father has made it his daily mission to devote the first hour of his day, which starts at 2 am with an early morning job, to his Tai Chi practice.  He has a clear routine that he does to make sure he is strong, flexible, clear-headed, and energized for the work ahead. He is an inspiration to me with his dedication.  What is his secret?  Two knee replacements.  For his body to be its best he must make sure that the knees have all that they need to function optimally.  He made this commitment to himself when he had the surgery.

Why is it that we can be inspired by challenge and illness?  Why do we wait until there is a crisis to do better with our self-care?  Do we believe we can ignore warning signs and things will get better? What is the point at which you will stop, listen, and act?  Good question, isn’t it?

No one can do our care for us.  It is up to us to create space, time, and energy for our well-being.  As you consider how you have made self-care your responsibility, take the time to celebrate the gestures you have made so far, and the awareness of what needs to change to be more for today and tomorrow.

We can find joy in remembering ourselves and honoring our needs first, so we can help others from our strengths and not from our weaknesses.

Michelle Greenwell, BA Psych, MSc CAM, Ph.D. (final) Complementary and Integrative Health, is passionate about supporting others to be the best they can be.  A Tai Chi instructor and enthusiast for almost three decades she has reaped the rewards of her daily and weekly practice by gaining clarity of thought, energy, enthusiasm, strength, agility, and joy for living.  To learn more about the FREE resources she provides, along with her specialty courses, check out her links here. Michelle is the leader of the Tai Chi Cape Breton group and sits on the board of Wine Country Tai Chi Society, as well as her volunteer activities for the instruction and promotion of Tai Chi.

Have you registered for the World Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Healing Arts Congress, Sept 24 – 27? The 4 days of events have over 100 speakers and is FREE. You can register here.

Michelle Greenwell will be presenting on the 26th of Sept. from 2-4 pm Pacific or 6-8 pm Atlantic. Please join her and support greater learning with Tai Chi and movement opportunities.

Online Tai Chi classes

Wine Country Tai Chi Society is proud to be a partner with Tai Chi Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, as well as several other independent clubs across the country. As much as we try to offer classes that meet the needs and schedules of our members, we cannot always support everyone.

Requests have been made for an online option that will provide extra practice time, personalized attention to specific details, and accessible recordings.

Doug and Yvonne Waines, instructors for WCTCS collaborated with Michelle Greenwell of Tai Chi Cape Breton and The KEY to Health to create a special recorded series for Tai Chi called Tai Chi Wellness and the Seated Form Series. This special series supports both the seated and standing form versions of Master Moy Lin Chin’s program and movement patterns. You can find the YouTube Channel here with almost 60 videos in the playlist.

Michelle is currently finishing up her dissertation for Complementary and Integrative Health and has specialized in her career in dance and Tai Chi with the power of movement to heal the body and create balance and flow. She is offering an online class for a 10 week session this fall. Registrants will have access to the recordings if they are unable to get to class, and will be able to increase their daily self-care habits through regular daily practice. To register for this event please go to Eventbrite. There is a special discount for those who are currently paid members of WCTCS or TCCB.

We are always striving to serve you better with Tai Chi opportunities. Our Wine and Chi event, practice in the park during the summer, and workshops throughout the year continue our commitment to quality and accessibility for the community. If you have any suggestions or ideas for further opportunities, please let us know.

Thank you for choosing Wine Country Tai Chi Society and daily self-care to be the best you can be for yourself and those who love you!

Creating Self-Care options through weekly gatherings

Wine and Chi!

We have three events leading us into the fall and we would love to have you join us there. This is a great chance to learn more about Tai Chi, try a few movements, and then follow it all up with a Wine Tasting from our favorite sponsors!

To register please click here

Grizzli Winery – August 20th

Kalala Winery – September 10th

Truck 59 Cider House – September 17th

We have so much fun outdoors, amongst the vines and grapes, sharing with others, empowering our self-care with the energy boosting of Tai Chi, and socializing at the end.