Author Archives: Michelle Greenwell

May 10, 11, 12 Workshop with Boon Loh

It is that time of year when we dust off our winter mindset and look forward to bringing new energy and knowledge to our Tai Chi practice.

We are delighted to be hosting the incredible Boon Loh, from High Mountain Tai Chi in Canmore, BC.

This is an open workshop, and we are welcoming all of our club members as well as Moy Tai Chi enthusiasts ready to advance their Tai Chi and Sabre practice.

Click here for direct access to the registration page

April 27th Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Global Transformation Project!

World Tai Chi and Qi Gong Day – enhancing lives and supporting well-being!

To sign the petition and help bring Tai Chi and Qi Gong to every classroom around the world, please click here! Stand up to be counted and this petition will go to the UN!

Mark the day on your calendar and get ready to celebrate a special opportunity with your club. Both Wine Country Tai Chi Society and Tai Chi Cape Breton will be involved in special activities.

Are you looking for resources? You have the QR code there for the Tai Chi Wellness and the Seated Form Series program that was recorded by Dr. Michelle Greenwell, Yvonne and Doug Waines. This is a great resource to support your daily self-care plan using Tai Chi. You can also click here to locate it.

Do you want to learn more about how Tai Chi can benefit you? Check out these videos:

Learning Tai Chi

Why you should study and learn Tai Chi

The Seated Form of Tai Chi

More about Sabre

More about Lok Hup

“Crystal Journey” highlights the workshop weekend

WCTCS is excited to be hosting an incredible healing weekend with the advancement of Tai Chi skills in both the seated form and the standing form for the 108 Moving Meditation, Sabre, and Lok Hup sets. To accompany this amazing workshop, David Hickey, from Crystal Journey will provide an evening of rejuvenation and integration to help you feel your best. Check out the concert and be sure to book your tickets at

WCTCS Begins 2024 with this incredible Healing Weekend!

What are your self-care plans for 2024? Let us help you develop skills and awareness to alleviate your stress and discomfort. All levels and abilities are welcome to our workshop.

To register for this incredible experience, please fill out the registration form here

As you consider how you can support your health and well-being in 2024, consider how the WCTCS can be a part of your plan. This weekend will provide you with in-depth knowledge about your body and awareness of its stress patterns. And, you will also be releasing the stress and creating harmony balance throughout the systems in the body. To anchor it all in, we will have the amazing David Hickey from Crystal Journey to offer a sound bath. This is a great way to relax and let the sound waves wash over you.

Dr. Michelle Greenwell, Ph.D. CIH, of the Greenwell Center for Holistic Health will be sharing tips and tools to advance your Tai Chi knowledge, while providing the environment for your stress to be released, and your systems to gain balance and flow. It is an incredible experience to participate in and to learn and grow from.

We look forward to seeing you celebrate your health in 2024 at the workshop and concert!

Mental Health and Tai Chi

Often when people sign up for an exercise class they are considering they need to be getting a workout. Tai Chi is considered exercise until you realize it is more than that. The beginning of Tai Chi you are working on structure and alignment for posture, you open up the diaphragm for breathing deeper, and you increase circulation and massage the heart and organs.

There are other benefits that people quickly realize, and that is how Tai Chi support mental health and wards off declining mental faculties often associated with aging.

Have a look at this special news report to learn more about how taking a Tai Chi class can help you maintain mental wellbeing and clarity.

people in the park
Tor Yus at the Gellatly Nut Farm in the Summer

Exclusive Tea Blends at Wine Country Tai Chi Society!!!

Are you ready to order your tea for gift giving this season, as well as for sharing with family and friends. Great conversation happens over a cup of tea. At Wine Country Tai Chi Society classes we take a tea break to gather and share more about what is happening in our worlds. Now we gather with our own tea blends!

Order here

Inspired by the flavours found in the Okanagan Valley, our blends include grape leaves along with their green tea or rooibos combinations. High in Antioxidants, and low or with no caffeine, these blends are a great way to boost your immune system while enjoying the flavours we find at the fruit stands each season. They can be enjoyed hot or cold, or with a special recipe…stay tuned for those. They are best prepared with water that has been brought up to a boil, but not boiled, and then letting the tea cool to a warm but not hot temperature – the flavours of the herbs and fruits are highlighted this way. Make a second or third cup from your first steep, and continue to reap the benefits.

We have two sizes of bags – 50 gms (small) or 100 gms (large). Be sure to place your order right away as these blends are quickly clearing out with the spread of the word on how they smell and taste!

Order here

New Members receive a Club Shirt!

Have you joined the club and started your Tai Chi journey? Thank you for choosing the Wine Country Tai Chi Society to support your self-care plan, and to provide you with support as you learn and grow with the Tai Chi program.

If you are looking for a t-shirt to order, please use the form here to register your size and style. It is always a delight to have our club shirts on to create a sense of community while we practice, and to share more about Tai Chi with others when we are at club events, or we are wearing the shirt on our travels.

At the Gellatly Nut Farm during our summer outdoor practice~

Fall Registration Begins!

We want to welcome you to the 2023 Fall Schedule for Tai Chi with the Wine Country Tai Chi Society.

To learn more about our programs, be sure to check out the latest videos with explanations of the classes here.

This is the front cover for our introduction video series!

To find the best class and time for you, please go here. Be sure to scroll past the amazing summer schedule at the Gellatly Nut Farm outdoors.

If you are a returning student, or a regular student of the club, be sure to check out the videos for Sabre, Lok Hup, and the Seated Form to learn about how you can advance your Tai Chi practice with additional class time and skills. Click here.

Together we energy and vitality to our daily activities through regular Tai Chi practice and integration.

The Power of Meditation, Moving Meditation!

In a recent article released by Tai Chi Basics, they explore the power of meditation and your self-care. For many people it is difficult to sit and be still, or they may have been sitting for hours all day and they really need to get moving, more sitting is not appealing.

This is where Tai Chi comes in. The moving patterns in Tai Chi are a form of Moving Meditation. That is, you gain the quietness, deep breathing, and centered feeling while flexing, strengthening and spiraling the body. This approach enhances the communication between organ systems, creates whole-body movement patterns that strengthen the way you move as you age or lead a sitting lifestyle at work or home, and deepens the breath.

What are the benefits of moving meditation? Calm the monkey mind, stretch and strengthen the muscles and tissue of the body, create a storage center of energy to use throughout your day, to ease sleep challenges, to moved the breath deeper into the body for mental clarity and system support, release of tension in areas that may have been problems for years (neck, shoulder, hip, back, lower back, hamstrings, ankles), restless legs, and more.

Join a class today, celebrate with us on World Tai Chi and Qi Gong Day April 29th, and join us in the park all summer long.

Here is the link to the Meditation article by Tai Chi Basics…put Tai Chi on your wellness plan!